29 FEB, 8.00PM

Robbie Nicol's Late Night Pilot

Show Info

New Zealand finally has a late night political talk show! It’s not on TV, but it’s a pretty good start.

Robbie Nicol won Best Web Show at the NZ Web Fest by being the “Kiwi John Oliver” (the Sunday Star Times), then he was called a "satire genius" (Jacinda Ardern), and then he brought his web series to the stage and won Best Newcomer at the New Zealand International Comedy Fest. So, we've decided to give him a monthly show at the Basement.

Join him as he interviews the most important political guests and the most funniest comedians, and tries to explain the world we’re unfortunate enough to live in. Get your tickets quick - with the frequent extreme weather events and global pandemics, this could be the last show you get to see!